We are evaluating changes in the proximal during CKD progression and aiming to understand the implications of thes changes on renal function and disease progression.
Proximal Tubule Pathology in CKD and AKI

Mechanisms of Renal Adaptation to Nephron Loss
We are exploring molecular mechanisms regulating how the kidneys respond to loss of fucntional nephron mass, both within kidneys and between kidneys (i.e., renal counterbalance). We are evaluating changes in the renal vasculature during CKD progression and aiming to understand the implications of thes changes on renal function and diseaes progression.

Hypertensive Chronic Kidney Disease in the Salt-Sensitive Dahl Rat
We have several long-standing collaborations exploring various mechanisms of renal pathology in the Dahl salt-sensitive model of hypertension and hypertensive CKD.
Our current work is focused on the functional impact of chronic metabolic stress induced by tubular transport.